Apr 12, 2007

Hijras, Berdaches, Fa'afafine and more...

Did you ever wonder what "third sex" means?
The social roles and social positions of the third sex vary across cultures.
Lets take a look at a few examples:
+ Hijras (India) - those are often males who take female names, wear women's clothing
- they are much more sexually overt in their behavior than Indian women
- they are considered to incorporate the divine powers of the goddess; they sing and dance at weddings and birth celebrations, and were traditionally they were asked to bless new born babies
+ Kathoyes (Thailand)- also knows as ''lady-boys''
- also wear women's clothing, and violate the norms of femininity in Thai culture
+ Fa'afafine (South Pacific)- typically biological males who take up women's wear and characteristics such as caretaking and teaching
- also take upon some male characteristics like dirty dancing, baseball play, tell bawdy jokes
- they are highly valued as dancers and entertainers who are also typically respected
Berdaches (North American Indian Cultures)- also knows as "two-spirits"
- the characteristics allowed for those vary across Native societies; however,
- they are biological males who wear women's clothing and take up some feminine roles and tasks
- they can also adopt men's customs and clothing
- are often seen as creative and artistic
Pledged Virgins (Balkans)- is a woman who takes up man's role because there is no man available
- no longer thought of as a woman
- she wears men's clothes, does heavy work, and serves as a man in the military

unfortunately today, because of the wide spread of globalization, the "third sex" is associated with prostitution.


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