Sep 27, 2007

Women and Philosophy

For those of you interested in philosophy, here's a website with a list of women who contributed to the field of philosophy
click here


Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder used to be in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual because it was concidered as a mental disorder. Thankfully with the rise of the feminnist movement we were able to pressure the Psychological asoociation to remove it.
However, PMDD is still appearing in the index of the most recent DSM-IV-TR .. we need to work on that now!

Sep 25, 2007

No to Anorexia

Italian photographer Oliviero Toscani photographed an anorexic woman for No-l-ita's sponsored campaign "No" to Anorexia. The billboard will be seen in Italian cities, and is being backed by the health ministry.

I sincerely hope this campaign makes an impact on many people. Toscani's photos have left me in awe as they are so dramatic and to the point.

No-l-ita website